March 11, 2003
Andrea Bruce Woodall of The Washington Post was named
photographer of the year by the White House News Photographers
Association (WHNPA). Additionally, Andrea's photograph of former Vice
President Al Gore campaigning for Democratic candidates for Congress
won the "Political Photo of the Year" award.
Andrea's portfolio included a behind-the-scenes essay on
Gore as he contemplated whether or not to run for the Democratic
presidential nomination in 2004. One judge of the competition said the
photos resonated with the judges for both for their intimacy and their
humor. "She had pictures that made us laugh out loud," he said.
One of the funnier shots shows the former Vice President
in a moment when he's clearly lost his way. In the photo, Gore sits
behind the wheel of a rental car, puzzling over a map while his press
secretary gives directions.
Andrea also entered various single images, as well as a
story on one of the first firefighters to respond to the terrorist attacks on
the Pentagon. Andrea got inside access to the firefighter-turned
post-traumatic stress victim and his friends' attempts to console him.
"Andrea's work ultimately prevailed because she had the largest breadth
of work."
Andrea's winning images are available by visiting
brucewoodallandrea/. The White House News Photographers Association
website is